Warszawa, Poland
Książęca 3
+48 226225522
No wheelchair-accessible entrance
I would not recommend this clinic to anyone, especially if you have senior pets. I took my cat to this clinic on March 28, she had diarrhea. Then we visited the clinic every day. They found out that she had problems with kidneys and pancreas. But she had them before and it was ok for her age (almost 16 years). Starting from Monday I told the doctors every day that she didn’t poo. The problem is that every day there is a new doctor there and in fact they do different things and don’t listen carefully. I told each of them that she didn’t go to toilet. Only on Saturday the doctor checked her intestines on X-ray and said that it was too late and anesthesia is the only way to remove all the poo. After the anesthesia my cat’s kidneys stopped working. On Sunday I told the doctor that she didn’t go to toilet and he said it was weird, he did not suggest to check the kidneys. They were checked only on Tuesday and it was already late. In general the doctors and all the staff are nice people, but doctors are unprofessional. Eventually I was recommended to go to another clinic, and the doctor there was chocked when she checked all the records. She said everything was done wrong from the very beginning. That doctor succeeded to restart the kidneys, but it was too late. My girl passed away. The problems with this clinic are: 1) doctors change every day and do not share fully the information; 2) doctors are not narrow specialists, so they can’t deal with serious issues; 3) doctors do not treat well senior pets saying that it’s just the age; 4) you need to make an appointment for the ultrasound in advance; 5) you need to wait for the blood test results (in another clinic it was done within an hour). Please, do not reply here that it was her age that killed her. In another clinic the doctor said she was killed by anesthesia, which happened because no one listened to me during the whole week.
Helped my dog to get healthy and win against chronical troubles with digestion. Doctors were very supportive, made all the necessary tests just within 1 day and gave very useful advices. Staff in clinic speaks Polish, English and Russian (1 doctor), which was very helpful for us.
Nice and friendly doctors. I have a felling that they're are professional, but I haven't gone through any serious treatment with my dog. Thus I can recommend this clinic for small issues - because those were performed in a professional manner.
its all ok
Stanowczo nie polecam kliniki, nastawiona głównie na przyjęcie jak największej liczby pacjentów i obsłużeniu ich jak najszybciej aby zwolnić miejsce dla kolejnych. Pan który oglądał znalezionego kota stwierdził ze uszy są tylko brudne i tylko je wyczyścił, przy kolejnym szczepieniu to samo. Dopiero w innej klinice weterynaryjnej przy okazji kastracji okazało się że kot ma zaawansowany świerzb uszny który musiał złapać gdy jeszcze błąkał się po ulicy gdy miał kilka tygodni. Nie polecam kliniki i odradzam
Najlepsza klinika w Warszawie! Trafiliśmy do kliniki z pieskiem po wypadku z połamaną (zamasakrowaną) łapką praktycznie do amputacji. Lekarze natychmiast się nim zajęli z ogromnym zaangażowaniem. Po ciężkiej operacji i 2 tygodniach walki z martwicą łapka ładnie się goi. Dziękujemy bardzo za troskliwą opiekę.
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