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Konkatedra Pw. Bł. Jakuba Strzemię
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Lubaczów, Poland
Piotr Burat
Wszystko dobrze
No reviews yet.
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Cathedral Of St. John The Baptist
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Przemyśl, Poland
Piotr Garbacz
Very nice place
Archcathedral Basilica Of St. James The Apostle
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Szczecin, Poland
Richard Bunn
We visited from NZ in October 2019. Nice weather. What a lovely surprise to see the expansive 360 views from high in the spire!
St. Mary's Cathedral, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
Eowyn's Pride
Beautiful! Swiety, Swiety!
Cathedral Basilica Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Sosnowiec, Poland
Christopher ck
Most prescious Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bazylika Prymasowska Sanktuarium Św. Wojciecha
Gniezno, Poland
St. John The Baptist Concathedral Church In Kamień Pomorski
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Kamień Pomorski, Poland
Allison Faber
Really beautiful church with a unique garden and museum (info in English is a plus)
The Cathedral Of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker Archbishop Of Myria In Lycia
Białystok, Poland
I didn't get a look at the interior since it was locked, looked impressive from the outside though
St. John The Baptist Cathedral, Lublin
Lublin, Poland
Spectacular cathedral, one of the most amazing in Poland and a great example of Baroque style. The frescoes are very interesting as well, it all looks...
Cathedral Of The Assumption Of The Virgin Mary
Kołobrzeg, Poland
Malgorzata Oginska
Very interesting cathedral. You can go onto the roof to see Kolobrzeg from the above. Unfortunately the lift doesn't go to the roof. There are stairs ...
Co-Cathedral Church. St. Stanislaus Bishop And Martyr
Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland
Przemysław Łączniak
St. Nicholas Cathedral, Elbląg
Elbląg, Poland
Paula Dutkowska
This is really old, 13th-century gothic church, located in the centre of the city market. Damaged several times, especially in the 18th century (fire)...
Sandomierz Cathedral
Sandomierz, Poland
Spectacular church, one of the very few together with the one in Lublin and a chapel in Wawel that have traditionally Orthodox murals. Beautiful color...
Płock Cathedral
Płock, Poland
Beautiful Roman Catholic temple from the 12th century. One of the must important churches in Poland where polish monarchs were buried. Outside the cat...
Koszalin Cathedral
Koszalin, Poland
Poznań Cathedral
Poznań, Poland
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Świdnica
Świdnica, Poland
One of the oldest church in the Lower Silezia.
Wawel Cathedral
Kraków, Poland
Vlada Kylynnyk
Attractive Cathedral with unique history is must see in Kraków. You can a chance to explore for yourself not only beautiful architecture, but also the...
Cathedral Basilica Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Białystok
Spectacular, even more so because the neighborhood is less than somptuous. The church is rather new being errected in the 19th century while Poland wa...
Sts. Peter And Paul Cathedral, Gliwice
Gliwice, Poland
Agata Krasoń
Good to be there
Cathedral Of St. Michael The Archangel And St. Florian The Martyr
Warszawa, Poland
Yonathan Stein
St. Florian's Cathedral, more formally known as the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Florian the Martyr (Polish: Katedra Świętego Micha...
Bazylika Archikatedralna W Warszawie P.W. Męczeństwa Św. Jana Chrzciciela
Anthony Chan
Had a great experience on Christmas Eve, where locals would father before midnight to attend the Christmas sermon. If you are here in Warsaw during Ch...
Parafia Katedralna P.W. Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego W Opolu
Opole, Poland
Harald Cools
Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego – Parish of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - a Roman Catholic parish located at 2 Katedralna Street in Opole. T...
Church Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Pelplin, Poland
Fly on the Wall
Disappointed that the renovations still in place. Second visit this year and not able to enter. Fortunately a lovely lady guide ( Małgosia) gave us fa...
S Basilica Of St. James
Olsztyn, Poland
Eliza Kulesza
Huge and beautiful. I loved it
Cathedral Of Christ The King, Katowice
Katowice, Poland
The Church Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Toruń, Poland
Martin Pluskal
Just nice place - happened to be there during organ festival - whole thing was just amazing.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese Of Łódź
Łódź, Poland
Gregory Cala
It was the centerpiece of 3 King's celebrations in Lodz Jan 6th. People, especially kids loved it.
Konkatedra Narodzenia Nmp W Żywcu
Żywiec, Poland
Alicja Miodonski
One of the most beautiful churches!
Basilica Cathedral Of St. Mary Of The Assumption
Włocławek, Poland
John Molands
Wrocław, Poland
Sts. Peter And Paul Cathedral
Legnica, Poland
Teresa Muller
Gorgeous Catholic church. Amazing statues, sculpturesand an exceptionally beautiful pulpit that is actually used by the priests, which is wonderful!
Cathedral Of Our Lady Care
Radom, Poland
Mohd Iftekhar Alam
Looks so much amazing and there are museum too which is free of cost...
Cathedral Basilica Of The Holy Family, Częstochowa
Częstochowa, Poland
Nicky Cassidy
Beautiful place to visit. Says it's one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. I can well believe it. It's cavernous.
St. Johns' Cathedral
Robert Cooke
A lovely building on outside. You can go in but only stay in the back for free. More could probably be done with it.
Cathedral Of St. Nicholas, Bielsko-Biała
Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Niels Van Paemel
Beautiful cathedral. Also at night.
Katedra Pw. Św. Jana Ewangelisty
Kwidzyn, Poland
Joress Ebouaney
Cathedral Of St. Vincent And St. James, Wrocław
Svyat Lashkevych
Katedra Pw. Św. Marcina I Mikołaja, Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Pięknej Miłości
Bydgoszcz, Poland
David Z. Nemeth
One of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen
Konkatedra Najświętszej Maryi Panny Matki Kościoła W Gołdapi
Gołdap, Poland
Hubert Hubert
Cathedral Church. Holy Family
Tarnów, Poland
Martin V
Absolutely beautiful cathedral, a must visit if you're in town.
Katedra Rzymskokatolicka Trójcy Przenajświętszej W Drohiczynie
Drohiczyn, Poland
Альфия Нугуманова-Лисовская
Very nice place! :)
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Łódź
Halime Nur Saman
The most colorful church in Lodz. Others are more gothic and dark. But this is interesting. Beautiful!
Kancelaria Parafialna - Katedra Legnicka
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Museum Of The History Monument Frombork. Cathedral Complex - Cathedral
Frombork, Poland
Janusz Gerszberg
Trybute to Nicolaus Copernicus. Beautiful place, and sacrum.
Katedra Rzymskokatolicka Pw. Św. Wawrzyńca I Św. Anny
Stare Dłutowo, Poland
Radosław Sekita
Piękny neorenesansowy kościół zaprojektowany przez Stefana Szyllera, architekta, który w swoim dorobku ma między innymi takie projekty jak gmach Towa...
The Eastern Orthodox Church Of The Transfiguratin Of Jesus
The oldest brick orthodox church in Poland. Nice church. Only issue is that it gets tight, because it is relatively small. The singing of the choir co...
Katedra Anatomii Porównawczej
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Katedra Ekologii I Ochrony Środowiska
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Polskokatolicka Katedra Pw. Matki Bożej Królowej Apostołów
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Pawel Iw
Wyróżnia się architektura z całą pewnością, wygląda jak silos na zboże :-P
Cerkiew W Uluczu
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Ulucz, Poland
Ewa Matejkowska
Warto się powspinać.... ale każdy da radę
Field Cathedral Of The Polish Army
Sebastian G.
Interesting Museum in the basement. Learned something new. Entrance free on thursdays
Parafia Archikatedralna Świętej Rodziny W Częstochowie
Великолепный собор как внутри, так и снаружи.
Bazylika Katedralna Wniebowzięcia Nmp W Kielcach
Kielce, Poland
Kim Dr.Choakchai Eaimrittikrai
The most beautiful church in Karkaw, glad to join service at 5pm. If you want to know more history then take a tour for advantage on photo shot in chu...
Parafia Katedralna Pod Wezwaniem Św. Ducha
Aliaksandr Hil
Так понимаю бывшая православная церковь переделанная в костёл.
Katedry Opolskiej
Iza Farynska
Caritas. Dom Katolicki
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Marki, Poland
Mało atrakcji, nuda w budzie prosze o dodanie konsol do domu katolickiego to dam 5 gwiazdek dziękuje.
Kuria Archidiecezji Łódzkiej
Icek Blumenfeld
Co by nie mówić, budynek mają piękny.
Katedra I Zakład Anatomii Prawidłowej Człowieka Uniwersytetu Medycznego W Lublinie
Jerzy Cichomski
To był koncert duetu Żukowska Korycki, akustyka auli doskonała, polecam różne imprezy muzyczne
Skrzeszewo Żukowskie, Poland
Katedra Greckokatolicka Pokrowa Matki Bożej W Olsztynie
Дмитро Пантелєєв
Слава Ісусу Христу! Вітаю зі створенням нової єпархії! Вітаю нового владику пана отця Аркадія!
Gdańsk Kramarska Street
Gdańsk, Poland
Острив Тумский
Bridge_ Crosser
Otcpnb tymcknń
Zgromadzenie Zakonne Księży Misjonarzy Św. Wincentego A Paulo (Misjonarze)
Trustfeed Score 4.2
w?tf konie w Tarnowie
Kolegiata W Wiślicy
Wiślica, Poland
Robert Bialik
Piekne miejsce
Church Of The Holy Apostles Peter And Paul
Brzeg, Poland
Gupa Jrtg
Wow :-)
Parafia Katedralna We Włocławku
robert kasiorkiewicz
Piękny kościół
Nicolaus Copernicus Grave
Katedra Trójcy Przenajświętszej
Cerkiew Pw. Świętej Trójcy
Międzybrodzie, Poland
Kościół Św. Bartłomieja W Głogówku
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Głogówek, Poland
Katedra P.W. Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego W Opolu
Zgromadzenie Zakonne Ojców Dominikanów
Co-Cathedral Basilica Of The Most Holy Trinity, Chełmża
Chełmża, Poland
Pomnik Jana Pawła Ii
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Łuków, Poland
Kościół Katolicki P.W. Nawiedzenia Nmp
Jasiona, Poland
Cathedral Of St. Stanislaus And St. Wenceslaus
Reszel, Poland
Konkatedra Pw. Niepokalanego Serca Najświętszej Maryi Panny W Sokołowie Podlaskim
Sokołów Podlaski, Poland
Konkatedra Św. Jana Ewangelisty W Kwidzynie
Центр Города
Stargard, Poland
Skup Sprzedaż Samochodów Osobowych I Dostawczych
Inowrocław, Poland
Вроцлавский Собор Иоанна Крестителя
Olsztyn Cathedral
Katedra Sw. Stepkoziołka